After offering the RAW immersion for a couple of years, I have decided to move into new projects, but if you are a studio owner or a community gatherer who wants me to come to you with a RAW workshop, please reach out through the form at the end of this page. If you are looking for ways to immerse, have a look at UNRAVEL.

Do you ever wish you could be more present, feel more connected, and available to experience the wonder of life?

Dive into tantrik philosphy, sadhana and RAW living together with a supportive community.

RAW is a sacred commitment to Truth; a six month journey to deepen your sadhana (spiritual practice), untangle the self, and come home into the Heart. It is an invitation into a more intimate relationship with existence and to the transformative power of self-knowledge.


Hrdaya: heart, center, core, essence, best or dearest or most secret part of anything.

Through the tools and teachings of non-dual tantra, yoga, somatic exploration, meditation and contemplation, we will inquire into what it is to be both formless and form; to exist as human and Beingness.

Some topics that will be covered are embodiment of the five powers and the five acts of the Divine; samskara theory and emotional digestion; energy body and prana; tantrik cosmology and linguistic mysticism.



Kula: a community, tribe, family, home.

Kula is the tantrik equivalent to sangha, a community practicing the dharma together in order to bring about and to maintain awareness. We will connect with each other through live zoom calls, as well as through a private online forum. The kula offers a space for connection and support, to share experiences, challenges as well as celebrations. There is always so much wisdom in the collective.

A monthly live lecture where we dive into view teachings from non-dual shaiva tantra
A monthly live yoga/movement class about 75 min – unpacking the theme of the month
1-2 recorded meditation/yoga nidra each month
Bi-weekly kula calls – for sharing, Q&A and community
A daily sadhana, that will evolve as we go along
Sutras for contemplation
Supportive off-the cushion resources such as journal prompts, suggested activities, routines, etc
An individual check-in call (about 30 min) around the half-time mark
(Additional check-ins can be booked as mentor hours at a reduced price.)





“The Raw immersion has been transformational for me. Deep unlayering, unlearning, unlocking and deep reconnection back to more truth. The container of community that is our space holder, has allowed so many rivers of being. I do not want it to end, yet I know it is also always beginning. It is not just the calls, the support, the practices, mantra teaching and Non-Dual Shiva Tantra philosophy there is a raw and radical honesty within the group as we journey together. I feel it seep into the way I hold space for other beings on and off the mat.”


"The RAW immersion with our kula has brought so much clarity and a deeper understanding of tantra and the practices - it’s honestly changed my life. 100% recommend the immersion with Fanny it was amazing, my Sadhana practice is actually a daily thing these days which it feels great, I understand the philosophy on an experiential level and the drip feeding of the knowledge in harmony with the practice has been sooo good! And Fanny is such a wonderful teacher."

~ Emily

“I'm so thankful for this Kula, the practices and teachings. For Fanny's warmth, openness and RAWness. This course, this space, has been like an anchor which held me close to shore. Sometimes it is less easy for me to stay close to my heart, and the weekly kula calls have been a great help in keeping me on track. There will be empty space when these 6 months are past.

Of course, it would be lovely to meet everyone in the kula. It feels like we know each other. There is something I find very grounding in seeing the same people every week, sharing experiences. I don't have that kind of connection otherwise, and before I started joining Fanny's online sadhana my practice was something I did on my own, alone. Often, it meant saying no to the company of friends. My yoga practice, studies, movement or meditations were a mix of doing something I loved and doing something that made me lonely. My practice has reached a whole new level with the kula. With this togetherness we hold.

Merging philosophy with movement, meditations and off the cushion assignments has let yoga trickle into my life. Rusty gears have been oiled, and now moves. Slowly. Something inside of me is happening. Unraveling, unfolding.

The big question for me the past 6 months (simply because the flow of life let me fall in love at the same time as RAW started), have been; how to stay close to myself and be close to someone else at the same time. Through all the teachings Fanny has been sharing, I have been sitting with this notion. The other day, I had an epiphany. I am SO GRATEFUL.

In every module there is a movement session. For me, who always spent a lot of time with books, reading is my go-to way of learning. Fanny's way of transforming theory into a movement session keeps reminding me to move from books, and into my body. Away from my head and down into my flesh, bones, skin. To do, feel, to experience non-duality, to imagine!

Also, one great thing with keeping the course over zoom (though physical meetings would have been gold) is that I kind of charge my home, and tie it to the sadhana. I love my little practice corner. Most times I like sitting there for our kula calls.”

With love,



If you have questions or want to discuss RAW as a workshop/part of teacher training, please reach out through this form.