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Karma, Dharma & The Three Primary Shaktis of Consciousness

On the surface, the aligned life looks different to everyone - the activities warring - yet at the core, there is no difference. Rising from the funeral pyre of the individual dream and societal expectations, the aligned life soars on the wisdom and potency of the universal, on the absolute.

Whatever work I did became the worship of the Lord;

Whatever word I uttered became a prayer;

Whatever this body of mine experienced became

the sadhana of Saiva Tantra

illuminating my path to Paramshiva”,

wrote Lalleshwari, giving us a taste of the aligned life for a shaiva poet-saint. But no matter our occupation or spiritual orientation, no matter what we call the Divine or if we even acknowledge a Divine principle in our life, right here, in Lalleshwari's Vakh, is a pointer for the aligned life. Let it be an offering. A deep surrender.

This three-day mini course offers you a chance for contemplation and to connect to Source. To reduce the background noise of the ego-driven betterment-hype that comes with a new year, and instead re-calibrate, and realign to your path. Every day will contain contemplation, meditation, a lecture, and more. You will also receive a workbook (that can be printed out) with tools for aligned living that can continue to offer support throughout the new year. The course takes place on zoom and recordings will be available for two weeks after the last session. The link to the zoom meeting is sent out 30 minutes before the first session.

Lecture topics covered:

  • Karma

  • Dharma

  • The Three Primary Shaktis (powers) of Consciousness

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